too much, or not enough?

     Hi, my name is Ella, the Queen of overthinking. Overthinking what people say, what people think, what to do, how to do it, where to go... and when, but on the other hand, I'm the Queen of let's just do it. Yes, let's just go to a really sketchy part of Rockford and block our parents from our story... ;) Yes let's go adventure at Rock-cut and almost die... again ;) Sometimes I think WAYYYYY too much, and sometimes I don't think at all (my parents can attest to that), But what is a healthy balance? No really, what is a healthy balance between thinking too much and not thinking at all.

      If I never thought at all I'm sure I would be dead right now. If I constantly thought too much I would be living in a bubble of what if. What happens when you find that perfect balance? If you find it let me know, but here are my thoughts.

    Constantly overthinking a situation, what people say, or have done may be due to low confidence, unsureness, wanting EVERYTHING to be perfect, and the ability to take things VERY personal. HELLO AGAIN, I'M ELLA AND I AM ALSO THE QUEEN OF TAKING EVERYTHING VERY PERSONAL. Someone could give you a tip on how to do something better and you overthink it, take it personal, and come to the conclusion what they REALLY said was "Hey you're trash at this, I'm better, so let me help you." When really they were just trying to help. MMMMM constructive criticism, that's another talk for another time ;) Thinking is good, but there is a reason they call it OVERthinking. Over as in TOO MUCH.

    Not thinking at all, that is dumb. You have a brain for a reason. If you didn't think before you speak or act, we would all be busted. I believe there is a difference between not thinking and being up for adventure. I believe there is a difference between not thinking, and not be stressed about what others are overthinking. I believe there is a BIG difference between not caring and not worrying. Am I wrong?

    Those are just my thoughts. These are just the things I think about.


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