the good in change.

    Hello to the few people who are going to read this. SO in this past season of my life, I've been going through more than I thought I would, and if you know me well, you know I kind of hate change. Why do you hate change, Ella? Change is unfamiliar, uncomfortable, and not what you are used to. I love familiar, comfortable and routine. Am I crazy? I loved coming home to the same room I've slept in for 13 years of my life, I loved having YTH every single Wednesday, I loved having tons of friends at school. I loved what I knew, and I knew what I loved.

    My question is if we never change, will we ever grow? If we stay with what is comfortable, will we ever step outside our comfort zone? If we always stick to a routine, will we ever adventure? I don't want to be the person who realizes everything is changing, yet won't adapt to change, won't embrace the good in change. How can we live in a world that is constantly changing and be too stubborn and caught up in our own selfish desires, to see the good in change? That is in no way saying we should adapt to the things of the world.  But when change comes our way, should we refuse to change too?

    My vision and my thoughts are so limited. I can't see the big picture. A lot of times I can't even see how change could possibly be beneficial, but God does. NEVER are you EVER alone. God sees the big picture, God sees YOU in that picture, and he sees the path he has so delicately carved for you. It most likely doesn't make sense right now, but soon it will. We see an inch God sees a mile. Trust.

    Change is new, exciting, and something we should all be prepared to take on, take on headfirst.



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